Can cats take valerian?

Watching your pet’s joyfulness is, of course, amusing and interesting. However, it should be borne in mind that valerian is an extremely dangerous plant for cats. Zoologists often call it a “cat drug”. It causes auditory and visual hallucinations: the pet hears and hides from an imaginary enemy.12 Sep 2019

What does valerian do to a cat?

Valerian’s effect on cats This plant contains essential oils that excite the central nervous system and provoke a fireworks display of hormones in animals. Therefore, unlike humans, cats do not calm down after trying valerian, but fall into a state of euphoria and excitement.

Why do cats react to valerian?

Valerian has a special effect on cats and cats, causing them to become excited. Zoologists and veterinarians even equate the effect of valerian on cats to the effect of drugs on humans. This is because this herb contains essential oils that remind cats of the smell of a cat’s sex hormones during heat.

What happens if you give your cat Valerian?

What happens if you give a cat valerian In many cases, there is a sharp change in the behavior of the animal . Almost from the first sip of valerian infusion, a friendly and quiet pet can turn into an uncontrollable and violent animal. The cat will roll on the floor, howl, tear curtains, furniture upholstery, and wallpaper.

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