How long does an orchid bloom

Everyone knows that an orchid is a rather capricious plant that requires delicate care. You can achieve repeated flowering from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care regimen. Then the orchid will bloom for 2 to 6 months.Aug 23, 2017

How long do you need to water an orchid?

Immersing the orchid in water Let the orchid drink itself. It will take her 40-60 minutes to do this . After that, take out the pot of water, let the excess water drain off, and put it back in the pot.

How often should I feed the orchid?

And here a special mineral fertilizer based on iron chelate will come to the rescue, which should be fed to the plant regularly: in winter and summer – once a month, and in autumn and spring – 2 times a month in the form of spraying and watering the roots.

Where is the best place to place an orchid?

It is best to place flowerpots with orchids from the west, east, or northeast, where there is diffused light. If all the windows of the room are located on the south side, it is imperative to provide the plant with shade, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves and lead to its death.

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