Can beets cause red urine?

How does beetroot affect urine color?

Consumption of rhubarb, Indian figs or beets gives the urine a red hue. Pumpkin and carrot juice contribute to the appearance of an orange hue, and asparagus – light green.

Why is urine red in color?

If the centrifuged urine has a clear center, then the reason for its color change is myoglobinuria. If it has a red tint, it is hematuria. In myoglobinuria, serum creatine kinase levels are also elevated.

What does pink urine mean?

Red or pink urine is a sign that a person eats beets, rhubarb, blackberries, or blueberries. Certain medications, such as rifampicin, amitriptyline, and indomethacin, can also change the color of urine.

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